City representatives, policymakers, and municipal workers on how to best use their data from the city for the citizens, including opening the data or sharing it in real time
Deliver data-based services
By using a variety of team competencies and tech tools and finding practical use cases for specified datasets
By researching new relevant datasets to supplement the analysis
By processing and analyzing the data

Develop comunity
By organizing meet-ups like Data Beer or international events like Prague City Data Congress to bring different actors in the local scene closer together and exchange know-how with the international data- and city-making community
How we do it?
By providing Golemio as an open-source & publishing the data as open data
In an agile way, often iterating
Utilizing modular solutions
Who is behind it?
We’re a part of Operátor ICT, a city company focused on technological and smart city solutions. We closely cooperate directly with the city of Prague and other municipal institutions.